What is this blog all about?

As a guy I love women....and let's face it....today on TV there are beautiful women everywhere and as I have found there are plenty of screen caps out there and I am a fan of them......so my goal is to provide screen caps of these woman for you to enjoy.....I will provide ones I find as well as my own....These will feature the hottest women with a emphasis on news babes and the beautiful women of the Today show. Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Lots of winners today....so let's get started Jenna wolfe and Meridith looked stunning as usual.

Jean Chatzky was on the Money 911 segemnt as usual...I have always thought she is totally hot and beautiful but doesn't get as much hype in some of the blogs since she is only on once in a while...she always wheres skirts and always has that professional look to her wardrobe!

Kathie and Hoda had some girl who I think was off Glee...she had on a smoking short skirt

Colbie Caillat was also on and was simply hot in a short white dress...not to mention a group by the name of the Stunners...who were, well Stunning!

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